Register, Reschedule, or Cancel

How to Register

You may register for orientation once you've been admitted to the university. Please log into your New Student Center to view session options currently available to you. Please note, the U of A continuously adds classes throughout the summer, so no matter which orientation session you attend, you are guaranteed classes that meet your degree requirements.

  1. Login to your New Student Center using the email address and password you used to create your account.
  2. Select "Register for On Campus Orientation" under Enrollment Checklist Orientation Tab.
  3. View the available sessions and select the one that best fits your schedule.
  4. Enter the required information for the session and click submit.
  5. Registration confirmation will be sent to your email. You should continually check your email for updates regarding your session.

How to Change your Session

  1. If you want to change your orientation session, log in to your New Student Center with the email you used to created your account.
  2. Select "Manage your Orientation Registration" under Enrollment Checklist Orientation tab.
  3. On the next screen, select "Manage your Orientation Registration" in the Session Information tab.
  4. On the next screen, select "Cancel Registration."
  5. Then, select "Return to your new Student Center."
  6. Under Enrollment Checklist Orientation tab, the "Register for On Campus Orientation" button will be under the Orientation tab. Follow it to select your new session. 

How to Cancel your Session

  1. If you want to cancel your orientation session, log in to your New Student Application Center with the email you used to created your account.
  2. Follow the "Manage Your Registration" link under your current session information
  3. On the next screen, select "Cancel Registration"
  4. After the screen refreshes, follow the "Return to your New Student Center" link

Please note that orientation is required for all incoming new freshmen. If you are canceling your session, please be sure to reschedule for another available date.